id: 874
Title: Basics of Measurement: Short Course of Metrology for Beginners
Authors: Магас Л.М., Liudmyla M.Magas
Keywords: Metrology, measurement, concept of measurement, history of measurement, SI system
Date of publication: 2019-04-30 22:51:04
Last changes: 2019-04-30 22:51:04
Year of publication: 2019
Summary: The book can be used by University and College students whose first language isn`t English. It is written for specialists in Metrology and Measurement. It consists of two parts, namely Concepts of Measurement and History of Measurements. Each unit contains both lexical and grammatical exercises and texts for reading and discussing. The book structure allows to cover main topics of the Measurement theory, methods, qualification, certification, error evaluation, etc. the first civilizations up to now the whole history of the physical units, development of the SI Units can be traced. There are tables for transforming Metric units to British and American and vice versa.
Publication type: Навчальні посібники
Publication: Magas, L.M. Basics of Measurement: Short Course of Metrology for Beginners. Beau Bassin : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. – 67p. – ISBN 978-613-7-34487-3.
In the collections : Навчальні посібники/ Вінницький національний технічний університет/
Published by: Громова Л.П.
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