id: 3623
Title: Methodical instructions for the preparation and writing of calculation and graphic work on the discipline “Economic substantiation of innovative solutions” for foreign students, as well as students studying in English in all technical directions of study
Authors: Nikiforova L. O., Rybko N. V. (Нікіфорова Л. О., Рибко Н. В.)
Date of publication: 2021-11-15 21:01:31
Last changes: 2021-11-15 21:01:31
Year of publication: 2018
Summary: In the guidelines, the process of organization and calculation and graphic work, its design and preparation for protection by the students of the indicated specialties are considered. Recommendations for the execution of payment and graphic work are set out in accordance with generally accepted standards. Methodological instructions can be used by foreign students, as well as students studying in English for all technical areas of study, as well as for the environmental field for the preparation and writing of a graphing work on discipline “Economic substantiation of innovative solutions”.
Publication type: Методичні вказівки
Publication: Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2018. - 41 p.
In the collections : Для студентів/ Методичні матеріали/ Вінницький національний технічний університет/
Published by: Громова Л.П.
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