Опубліковано монографію: 

Ensuring information security and cybersecurity in the modern information space: models and methods 
Monograph [Electronic resource],  Vinnytsia : VNTU, 2024, (PDF, 135 p.) ISBN 978-617-8163-02-0 (PDF) 

The monograph addresses the need to counteract cybersecurity threats; analysis of modern models and methods of information security management; development of an effective method for detecting threat agents in cybersecurity tasks and a method for building an information space of information security subjects, etc. The monograph is intended for scientists, graduate students and masters and a wide range of cybersecurity specialists. 

Сторінка книги на сайті видавництва ВНТУ: https://press.vntu.edu.ua/index.php/vntu/catalog/book/813

опублік. Андреєва Тетяна Іванівна