
    1. Kvyetnyy R. , Bisikalo O. , Palamarchuk Ye. , Storchak V. , Квєтний Р. Н. , Бісікало О. В. , Паламарчук Є. А. , Сторчак В. Г.. JetIQ electronic ecosystem at the service of the university in the country that has undergone armed aggression . JetIQ electronic ecosystem at the service of the university in the country that has undergone armed aggression [Text] / R. Kvyetnyy, O. Bisikalo, Ye. Palamarchuk, V. Storchak // Problems and Perspectives in Management. – 2023. – Vol. 21, Issue 2(spec. issue). – P. 52-60. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.21(2-si).2023.07.