• Посада: завідувач кафедри, професор.
  • Біографічні дані: Doctor of sciences in philosophy (since 1999), Professor (since 2003), Head of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities Vinnytsia National Technical University (since 2004).


  • Науковий напрямок: Doctor of sciences in philosophy (since 1999), Professor (since 2003), Head of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities Vinnytsia National Technical University (since 2004), founder and chairman of the Modern philosophy’s research group (Pascal's Society), organization affiliated with the Ukrainian Philosophical Fund (since 1999), Director of Centre for studies in history of philosophy «Renatus» (since 2011). Visiting Professor at the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (2001-2005) and Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (since 2006).

    Research areas: the philosophy of the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries., scholastic philosophy, Contemporary French philosophy, intranslatable philosophical terms, Ukrainian philosophical terminology.
  • Портфоліо: Translator of many philosophical texts from French and Latin and the author of the comments on them, one of the translators and editors of «European dictionary philosophies» (in Ukrainian version) 2000 founded the first in Ukraine historical and philosophical journal «Sententiae» 2001 and 2015 was awarded the Programme for Support for publishing "Scovoroda", carried out by the French Embassy and the French Institute in Ukraine (for the translation and publication of, respectively, Jean-Jacques Rousseau treatise "The Social Contract, or Principles of Political Right" and Descartes' "Meditationed de prima philosophia"/"Méditations métaphysiques") 2011 received a special award Ukrainian Philosophical Foundation for Promotion of philosophical commentary. 1998, 2004, 2009, 2015 received a grant of the French National Center for Book on translations and studies in France. 
  • Публікацій у персональнoму репозиторії: 60
  • Контакти: Email : xoma.o.i@vntu.edu.ua
  • Відвідувань персонального кабінету: 1589 раз., востаннє : 03.07.2024 12:17:56
  • Сайт : homa.vk.vntu.edu.ua
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